See why dealers trust Ikon Technologies

Schedule a demo today!

Get a demo. Get free, custom Nike sneakers.

What to expect

If you are looking to build your dealer brand and grow your business, then our 30-60 minute demo is perfect for you.  Here's what you'll learn:

  • No-Cost Lot Management: We're offering a no-cost solution that revolutionizes how you keep tabs on your cars and keys, streamlining operations and enhancing security.
  • Connected Car Platform: Our platform gives drivers a way to stay connected to their car’s on-board data, set driving alerts, deter theft, and access location information while providing you, the dealer, a way to create customers for life.
  • Build Your Brand with Smart Marketing: Our dealer-branded Smart Marketing retention program helps strengthen customer relationships, drive customer retention, and build lasting brand loyalty.

When you participate in a full demo, you'll be able to design a pair of custom Nikes. We'll cover the cost and deliver them to you. Why custom? We understand the power of customization and like our solutions, these custom Nikes provide a unique and memorable experience.

Discover firsthand how our solutions are reshaping the industry. Book a demo with us today!

Our customers say...

"Ikon built my brand and my business better than third parties or old-fashioned marketing tactics. This product grows our business and our brand with solutions that drive revenue I can actually measure."

Steve Fly, General Manager